Manu Scripts Publishing works across Aotearoa and Te Moananui a Kiwa.
We specialise in projects by women, Māori and Pasifika peoples that tell stories of whānau, activism and hauora, with a rich vein of poetry, history and music. We walk alongside people, working with them to find the right way to publish their stories.
We are a social enterprise, which means sharing project profits equitably with the project creative and also distributing a percentage from each project into our arts, Māori and Pasifika communities.
Our decision-making and processes are guided by our values of care, integrity and respect, and these concepts:
“I am with you” – ethical and holistic care for people
“Sounding the depths” – understanding the layers in our projects
“Weaving” – making the connections that form durable, meaningful projects
We interpret ‘publishing’ very broadly – it encompasses books, music, digital space and any other mechanism by which a creator wants to share their story with their audience.
Manu Scripts is a project of the Māori & Pasifika Education Trust.